
State of Decay 2 developer promises to fix many bugs on Xbox One and PC before launch

Land of Disuse ii is coming out in a few weeks, and Microsoft gave us an in-depth look at the game. However, while the title is a complex experience, the build we tested was filled with bugs and other issues. Considering that there isn't much time left until State of Decay 2 launches, this is troubling to say the least.

In an interview between Metro and Undead Labs Blueprint Managing director Richard Foge, the bugs and other bug were discussed at swell length. The developer promised to ready a lot of the problems before launch, and to continue improving the experience after that.

The build'south a piffling bit older, nosotros're fixing some bugs. Every bit we continue to support and develop the game that'southward gonna be a focus for us, information technology's going to exist continuing to set up bugs people are encountering and improving the experience overall. At launch we'll prepare quite a few of the things that yous encountered today. Simply as an ongoing experience… big open earth sandbox games have a lot of problems that need to be stock-still... ultimately whatsoever blemishes are overcome by the quality of the gameplay experience... Emphasizing and focusing on everything beingness pitch perfect and bulletproof is certainly 1 style to do information technology. I am biased towards making sure the game is as fun as possible... I wanted to push equally many features into the game every bit we needed to make that experience cohesive and compelling. And then take intendance of the problems that we had as nosotros had fourth dimension to do it.

Hopefully State of Decay two will get in in a polished state for launch, and avoid the jank of its predecessor. However, it seems like a lot of the bugs will be squashed later down the line. This might nowadays a problem when information technology comes to review scores and player enjoyment.

Land of Disuse 2 should launch on May 22, 2022 for Xbox One and PC equally an Xbox Play Anywhere experience. According to Microsoft, the game volition also be available at launch on Xbox Game Pass. The company confirmed a price indicate of $29.99 for the standard version and $49.99 for an ultimate edition.

Aside from that, developer Undead Labs confirmed that at that place are no plans to add microtransactions to the game even though the title starts at $29.99. Despite the fact that at that place are no plans at the moment, microtransactions might exist added in the future to sustain development.

State of Disuse 2 is a co-op multiplayer game which forces y'all to survive in the wake of a zombie apocalypse. Players have to work together, build bases, and form communities if they wish to survive in this hostile land. The first game — despite the fact that it suffered from numerous functioning issues — garnered a significant following.

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